I respond, "Of course I can...take your time."
What's so special about this exchange, you ask? Well, it's nice to be able to communicate like this across "long" distances -- an entire condo-length away!
This blog was created with the intention of keeping my family and friends up-to-date about my sudden onset hearing loss, cochlear implant surgery and progress after activation. Since so much is going on, I figured it is easiest to just document my experiences in a place where everyone can read them on a regular basis. I truly hope that those who visit this site will get something out of it... ENJOY! :o)
I respond, "Of course I can...take your time."
What's so special about this exchange, you ask? Well, it's nice to be able to communicate like this across "long" distances -- an entire condo-length away!
I was watching an old Czechoslovakian movie w/ my hubby. The actors spoke Czech (obviously), but the only subtitles available were in English. Sooo since I speak Czech, I plugged my CI into the television to hear the dialogue AND I turned on the English subtitles *just in case* I didn't catch something.
It took some getting used to, but because I was able to hear the actors speaking, the reading of the subtitles (captioning, in a sense) flowed smoothly along.
Cool, huh?
[Side note: Hubby & I were born in the Czech Republic, therefore, we speak Czech fluently.]