Monday, March 28, 2005

A Work-Related Update

last week, i went to a Disability Law Conference hosted by the Division of Civil Rights at Bergen Community College in Paramus. even though it was something i had to do for work, it was a very informative session for me.

well, being that this was a disability-related conference, they provided Computer Assisted Real Time (CART) captioning for the attendees who needed it. (they also had ASL interpreters and a PowerPoint presentation, etc.) since the CART captioning was available, i could read what the speakers were saying, but i actually had an easier time simply listening to them talk. reading the transcription took too long -- and didn't include everything that was being said (the operator wasn't typing quick enough).

i am glad to report that my CI works so well that i didn't have to read -- and could actually LISTEN to the panel. i guess my ears "hear faster" than my eyes can read the CART transcription!

sometimes, a speaker would covered his or her mouth while talking (people tend to do this when they're nervous or are holding a microphone), so i had to concentrated harder on their words... and i STILL could hear what they were saying! it was absolutely AWESOME.

i'm not sure if this incident could be classified as a "CI moment" but it surely made my week!


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